//  File:         editlist.h
//  Description:  An editable listbox. Double clicking an item lets you edit
//                it. An EN_CHANGE notification is sent to the parent when
//                the user finishes editing.
//  Author:       Christopher Kohlhoff (chris at tenermerx dot com)
//  Date:         30 May 1997
#ifndef editlist_h
#define editlist_h

#include <owl/listbox.h>

class _OWLCLASS TEdit;

class TEditList : public TListBox
  public: // construction / destruction
    TEditList(TWindow* parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TModule* module = 0);
    TEditList(TWindow* parent, int id, TModule* module = 0);
    virtual ~TEditList();

  public: // member access
    void BeginEdit();
    void EndEdit();
    TEdit* GetEdit() { return Edit; }

  public: // virtual function overrides
    virtual void SetupWindow();

  protected: // response table
    void EvLButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint& point);
    void EditKillFocus();

  protected: // data members
    TEdit* Edit;

#endif  // editlist_h sentry.

//  File:         editlist.cpp
//  Description:  An editable listbox. Double clicking an item lets you edit
//                it. An EN_CHANGE notification is sent to the parent when
//                the user finishes editing.
//  Author:       Christopher Kohlhoff (chris at tenermerx dot com)
//  Date:         30 May 1997
#include <owl/pch.h>
#include <owl/edit.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "editlist.h"

const int EditId = 1234;

  EV_EN_KILLFOCUS(EditId, EditKillFocus),

// Dynamic creation.
TEditList::TEditList(TWindow* parent, int id, int x, int y, int w, int h, TModule* module)
: TListBox(parent, id, x, y, w, h, module)
  Edit = new TEdit(this, EditId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  Edit->Attr.Style &= ~WS_VISIBLE;

// Dialog control creation.
TEditList::TEditList(TWindow* parent, int id, TModule* module)
: TListBox(parent, id, module)
  Edit = new TEdit(this, EditId, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
  Edit->Attr.Style &= ~WS_VISIBLE;


void TEditList::SetupWindow()

  // Give the edit box the same font as the list box.
  Edit->SetWindowFont(GetWindowFont(), false);

// Display the edit box to allow user editing.
void TEditList::BeginEdit()
  int sel = GetSelIndex();
  if (sel >= 0)
    // Set the text of the edit box from the list item.
    TAPointer<char> text = new char[GetStringLen(sel) + 1];
    GetString(text, sel);

    // Update the position of the edit box.
    TRect rect;
    GetItemRect(sel, rect);
    Edit->MoveWindow(rect, true);

    // Activate the edit box.
    Edit->SetSelection(0, -1);

// Hide the edit box and make changes to list.
void TEditList::EndEdit()
  int sel = GetSelIndex();
  if (sel >= 0)
    // Get the text from the edit box.
    int length = Edit->GetWindowTextLength() + 1;
    TAPointer<char> text = new char[length];
    Edit->GetText(text, length);

    // Replace the line in the list.
    if(Attr.Style & LBS_SORT)
      InsertString(text, sel);
      DeleteString(sel + 1);

    // Hide the edit box.
    Edit->MoveWindow(0, 0, 0, 0, true);

    // Inform the parent of the change.
    if (Parent)
      Parent->SendMessage(WM_COMMAND, MAKEWPARAM(Attr.Id, EN_CHANGE), (LPARAM) HWindow);

// Double click lets user edit an item.
void TEditList::EvLButtonDblClk(uint modKeys, TPoint& point)
  TListBox::EvLButtonDblClk(modKeys, point);

// Whenever the edit box loses focus, stop editing.
void TEditList::EditKillFocus()