Using TListWindow (continued)

Adding Columns

Addings columns to the list window is simple. The function InsertColumn takes an index and a TListWindColumn. The index (starting from zero) is the position of the column from left to right. To create the TListWindColumn, we just specify the title, width and, where necessary, the alignment:

void TLWWindow::AddListColumns()
  List->InsertColumn(0, TListWindColumn("Name"200));
  List->InsertColumn(1, TListWindColumn("Size"80, TListWindColumn::Right));
  List->InsertColumn(2, TListWindColumn("Type"120));
  List->InsertColumn(3, TListWindColumn("Modified"200));

Setting the Imagelist

To keep the usage of imagelists simple, we will create each one from a single bitmap.
  1. We add 2 bitmaps to our resources:  
    Don't worry about the ugly green colour - it is being used as a mask.
  2. We add the code to create and delete the imagelists:

    TLWWindow::TLWWindow(TWindow* parent,
                         const char far* title,
                         TModule* module)
      TWindow(parent, title, module)
      // ...

      // create the imagelists for the list window from a bitmap
      SmallImg = new TImageList(*GetApplication(),
                                  // the app instance
                                  // the bitmap to use
                                  // width of each image
                                  // amount to grow by
                                  // mask colour
                                  // type of resource
                                  // other flags
      LargeImg = new TImageList(*GetApplication(),
                                321, TColor::LtGreen,
                                IMAGE_BITMAP, 0);

      // ...

      delete SmallImg;
      delete LargeImg;

  3. Lastly we add the imagelist to the list window:

    void TLWWindow::SetupWindow()
      // ...

      // set the image lists for use with the list window
      List->SetImageList(*SmallImg, TListWindow::Small);
      List->SetImageList(*LargeImg, TListWindow::Normal);

Adding Items

The items we will add will be the contents of the current directory. When an item is first added (that is, a new row) you must call AddItem, however to add extra columns (subitems) to that row you call SetItemText (or SetItem with Borland C++ 5.01) and specify a different text string for the column.

This code is for Borland C++ 5.02 only. If you are using Borland C++ 5.01, click here.

void TLWWindow::AddListItems()
  HANDLE findHandle;
  WIN32_FIND_DATA findData;
  char text[256];

  // remove all of the items from the list

  // open the current directory for reading
  if ((findHandle = FindFirstFile(".\\*.*", &findData)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)

  // add each of the files in the directory
    // add the name
    TListWindItem item(findData.cFileName);
    item.SetImageIndex(findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ? 1 : 0);
    int index = List->AddItem(item);

    // add the size of the item
    itoa((findData.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + findData.nFileSizeLow, text, 10);
    List->SetItemText(index, 1, text);

    // add the type of the item
    if (findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
      List->SetItemText(index, 2, "Directory");
      List->SetItemText(index, 2, "File");

    // add the time modified
    FileTimeToSystemTime(&findData.ftLastWriteTime, &st);
    TTime time(TDate(st.wDay, st.wMonth, st.wYear), st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond);
    List->SetItemText(index, 3, time.AsString().c_str());
  while (FindNextFile(findHandle, &findData));


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